Noosa Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Noosa Hospital Rehabilitation Services

Noosa Hospital's Rehabilitation Service provides excellence in multidisciplinary patient focused care to assist in recovery after illness or surgery. We aim to help each patient optimise their health and independence.

Day Rehabilitation Programs:

Download Referral eForm

The program may include the following services:

Orthopaedic & Reconditioning Day Program

The Allied Health team will formulate a treatment plan for each individual based on their needs and an assessment by the Rehabilitation Physician.

Patients generally attend the programs twice a week for 4-6 weeks or as deemed appropriate.

Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians:

Dr Catherine Macintosh

Dr Catherine Macintosh

Dr John Endacott

Dr John Endacott
Geriatric Medicine, Rehabilitation

Orthopaedic Day Program

This program is designed to enhance recovery and help regain independence following surgeries including: hip and knee replacement, spinal or other orthopaedic conditions.

Reconditioning Day Program

The Reconditioning program specialises in the rehabilitation of patients who have experienced an acute episode of illness or undergone a surgical procedure with subsequent deterioration in functional ability. Our aim is to provide specialised therapy to allow patients to maximise their functional improvement and achieve realistic goals.


“EMPOWER” Pain Day Program

The Nationally standardized EMPOWER Program is suitable for patients who have experienced persistent pain that causes disability or distress for more than 3 months.

Who will benefit from the program? Patients that are ready to take responsibility for their pain control, willing to participate in a group based program, and motivated to practice the strategies learnt in their own time.

Pain Medicine Physician:

Dr Peter Georgius

Dr Peter Georgius
Pain Medicine, Rehabilitation

Noosa Hospital’s EMPOWER Program is a 6 weeks, 12 session program run by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals. During the program, patients participate in 3 hour group sessions, including exercise and education, twice a week for 6 weeks.

Download Brochure for more information

Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment Unit

Did you know that your patient can have an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment whilst undertaking their Day Rehabilitation Program?

This can help to reduce your patient’s costs associated with a driving assessment.

The aim of a driving assessment is to assess the impact of a medical condition or health issue on driving capacity. The driving assessment is completed by a trained Occupational Therapy Driver Assessor and involves two parts:

  1. Off Road Driving Assessment
  2. On Road Driving Assessment

The Occupational Therapy Driving Assessor will send a report with recommendations to the referring doctor who makes the final decision related to driving.

Download Brochure for more information

How to refer to Day Program?

Click here to download the e-referral form. Alternatively, email your referral to

For more information please contact the Allied Health team on 07 5455 9224.

How are costs covered?

Private Health funds, Department of Veterans Affairs, Workers Compensation, CTP Insurers and Income Protection Insurers often meet the cost of the programs.

On referral our Allied Health Admissions team will check with the Health Fund or Insurer to make sure the patient is fully covered.

For any enquiries about the rehabilitation programs offered please call 07 5455 9224.

Download document for more information:


Dietitians have specialist knowledge in nutrition and health and can help with a variety of health conditions. At Noosa Hospital the Dietitian clinic is run by an experienced and extensively trained Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) who provides evidenced-based dietetic care. Dietitian support can be provided for people experiencing these conditions:

  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Food intolerances
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • High cholesterol and high blood pressure
  • Kidney/Renal disease
  • Malnutrition and un-intentional weight loss
  • Nutritional deficiencies (e.g. iron deficiency)
  • Weight management and obesity


Beth Harrold

Since graduating from the University of Queensland in 2008, Beth Harrold has worked across a range of major tertiary hospitals for NSW Health and QLD health including Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Concord Hospital and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in acute and rehabilitation settings. Additionally Beth has extensive experience in the clinical education of speech pathology students, working together with universities and tertiary referral hospitals to develop specialised student clinics in the areas of acquired brain injury and voice disorders. Beth relocated to Noosa in 2021 with her young family and has since been working at Noosa Hospital, servicing the Noosa community.

At Noosa Hospital Beth provides evidence-based speech pathology services to inpatients and outpatients specialising in adult acquired swallowing, voice, speech and communication deficits. The medical conditions Beth commonly treats include:

  • Stroke
  • Progressive neurological conditions including parkinson's disease and multi-systems atrophy
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal injuries
  • Aged care
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Assessment and referral for video fluoroscopy swallow studies (VFSS) to objectively assess swallow anatomy and physiology and guide management options (including diet modification, therapy)
  • Head and neck cancer

Beth is certified to use the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT Loud) for people with Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions. Beth is currently working with the management team at Noosa Hospital to establish a video-fluoroscopy swallow study (VFSS) Clinic based in Noosa.

Beth is a certified member of Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) and other special interest groups.
