Noosa Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Pre admission

Our dedicated team of professional staff are committed to providing patients with the highest standards of care. Throughout our patients’ stay, from pre-admission to discharge, each patient will be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.



Pre-admission is an important part of your hospital care. To ensure we can confirm your admission, financial and other arrangements, we ask that you:

  1. Fill in the online admission form, or complete the admission form/booklet that you would have received from your doctor, as soon as possible and send it back to the hospital in one of the following ways:
    • In person to the main reception desk (open 6am – 8pm Mon – Fri or 8am - 1pm on weekends)
    • Fax to: (07) 5455 9411. (Please bring the originals with you on admission)
    • Post to: (at least 7 days prior to your admission)

    Noosa Hospital
    Reply Paid 64030
    Noosaville Qld 4566
    (if you were provided with a reply paid envelope please use this to return your paperwork)

    Please have the following ready when you fill in your online admission form:

      • Personal/Next of Kin details
      • Medicare Card details
      • Funding Details (eg DVA number, Private Health insurance details, workcover/ third party details)
      • Benefit details (eg safety net number/pension card/health care card)
  2. If you have any concerns with step 1, please telephone (07) 5455 9211 between 8.00am – 4.00pm or send an email to

If you have private health cover, please contact your health fund prior to completing your online admission form to check for any excess or waiting periods (refer to “Payment Information” for questions to ask your insurer). We know that health and billing charges can be difficult to understand and we are happy to assist in any way we can, however we also advise that you seek clarification from your doctor and health fund.

Nursing Pre-admission information

You may be contacted by telephone prior to your day of admission by our Pre-admission Nurse. If you are contacted:

  • Your medical history will be reviewed with you and admission and discharge details discussed
  • Please take this opportunity to discuss any concerns regarding your admission

Private Patients: Your doctor will notify the hospital of the date of your procedure / operation and inform you of your day and time of admission. Your doctor will also explain your procedure or operation and complete the consent form with you.
Public Patients: You will be notified by hospital staff of the date of your procedure / operation and admission time.

Pre-admission Clinic

You may be asked to attend a preadmission clinic so the nurse specialist can speak with you about your hospital stay; your operation; fasting details; when and if blood tests or other procedures need to be arranged; previous surgical and medical history, and address any concerns you may have. Your doctor will advise us if an Anaesthetic appointment is required. There may be a cost associated with this clinic.

Discharge planning will also be addressed (eg who will care for you at home, who will take you home on discharge etc). You are welcome to bring a relative or friend to the clinic.


On the day of admission

Please check in at the Front Reception in the main foyer at the time indicated by your doctor or by the hospital, and you will be directed to your admission area.

Your doctor or pre-admission clinic nurse will inform you of the scheduled time for your surgery and when you should cease eating and drinking before your operation.

Please bring with you into hospital anything applicable to your admission including:

  • Doctor’s admission / referral letter
  • Health fund number / details (if applicable)
  • Medicare card
  • Regular medications in their original packaging plus a current medications list from your GP
  • Pension health benefits card (if applicable)
  • Pharmaceutical benefits card (if applicable)
  • Relevant x-rays and / or test results (relevant to this admission)
  • For a child – favourite toy or device. A parent is required to remain with a child (16 years and under) at all times on the ward. Meals for one parent will be provided for overnight patients.
  • Comfortable closed in shoes / slippers with non-slip soles
  • Night wear
  • Toiletries
  • Cotton underwear
  • Physical aids (walking sticks, hearing aids, glasses)
  • Method for settling your account (cash, cheque, Eftpos, Visa or Mastercard)
  • Mobile phone (please turn to silent/vibrate whilst in hospital, and turn OFF whilst in ICU or the Emergency Department). A visual check of all electrical devices will be done on your admission to the ward.
  • Advanced Health Directive or Enduring Power of Attorney (if appointed)

At Noosa Hospital we strongly recommend that patients keep no valuables, no jewelry or cash in excess of $50 with them during their hospital stay. We recommend patients keep no items of personal value with them during their hospital stay. We strongly encourage patients to send all items of value home with family, friends or carers for safekeeping.

If you wish to bring a Laptop, iPad or other mobile device into hospital then you do so at your own risk. Noosa Hospital does not accept responsibility for the loss of personal items, valuables or money during your hospital stay.


  • Do Not eat anything for 6 hours before your admission time. Drink water only after this time until 2 hours before your admission time. Colonoscopy / bowel surgery: please refer to the specific fasting instructions you have been given by your doctor or at our preadmission clinic.
  • Do not smoke cigarettes or chew gum for 24 hours before your admission.
  • Do not wear jewellery. A wedding ring and watch are permitted. Remove any body piercing.
  • Do not bring valuables to hospital
  • Do not wear make-up or nail polish

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